Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog to share some of the vast amounts of information about fish, fishing and tips from other fisherman, my own ideas, fishing shows I've seen and information from around the Internet. Feel free to participate and if you have any ideas, tips, tricks or techniques you would like to share, please do so! Think of this blog as a one-stop for all your fishing info.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wow, it's been a while! New tip for you though.

Holy! It's been a while since I posted anything. Personal issues, I've been busy. Anyway, since I haven't posted in quite a while, and I've learned a few new tips, I'll get right down to it. I like to fish cheap, as cheap as possible. Here's a bait tip for all of you who do not like paying the price they want for worms these days. This one I learned from an old copy of Field and Stream I found at the library and thought it was just too cool! Do you hate hunting around for free worms at night with a flashlight? All that repeated bending can do a number on your back, especially if you have back problems like me. Now there is a much quicker way with almost no repeated bending involved. Electricity! Here's how it works, although I have yet to try it. Get two metal poles (article did not specify hollow or solid, but you can figure that one out on your own) Push them into the ground about 8-10 inches down and space them about 2-3 feet apart. Get a set of booster/jumper cables for a car. Put one cable on each pole (positive and negative) and hook them up to a 12 volt car battery appropriately. Within  5 min. or so, you should all the worms you need and then some! Pretty awesome huh? Bait salesmen are probably going to hate me for this one, but oh well, too bad.