Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog to share some of the vast amounts of information about fish, fishing and tips from other fisherman, my own ideas, fishing shows I've seen and information from around the Internet. Feel free to participate and if you have any ideas, tips, tricks or techniques you would like to share, please do so! Think of this blog as a one-stop for all your fishing info.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Opening day! It was fun!

Well, it's May19th the 3rd Sat. in May which means it was open season on all species of fish in my area. I hooked and lost a large Pike today. I saw it before I lost it and he was a good solid 8-12lbs. At first I though it was a snag, then it started to jiggle a little. Just before I landed it, it took one violent head shake and snapped my 10lb test Stren Fluorocarbon line. I like this stuff well enough. It's very tough, pliable and considering it's a fluorocarbon it has fairly low memory. I did end up with a couple of wind knots, and line twists, but considering it's fluorocarbon which can be quite stiff, it was quite manageable. I would buy it again even though I lost a fish on it! Considering that Pike hit it and it kept him on, means he didn't see the line at all (the advantage of fluorocarbon) and didn't even know he was hooked until I started pull. He felt like a snag.Typical Pike with the "I'm gonna act like a log" just dead weight act. I got him about 15 feet in and then he really decided to start pulling. Ah well, who cares? It was just a Pike. It's the Walleye I'm after! I saw a guy get one today, but it was within the slot measurement, so he had to let it go. Shitty. I would have kept him and had him for supper! He was a good looking 5lb or so Walleye. Next issue of the blog. I show you the pattern of spoon I caught him on, and many others. It's my favorite spoon.

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