Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog to share some of the vast amounts of information about fish, fishing and tips from other fisherman, my own ideas, fishing shows I've seen and information from around the Internet. Feel free to participate and if you have any ideas, tips, tricks or techniques you would like to share, please do so! Think of this blog as a one-stop for all your fishing info.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Slow Death Hooks what they are and what they can do.

I get this question from my fishing buddies sometimes, what are Slow Death hooks, or what is this weird hook? It's simple, they are hooks who's shafts have been bent on purpose in a zig-zag. Why? Because hooks bent like these impart a certain action to worms put on them and this action is irresistible to Walleye and just about any other fish that glances it going by. The hook does most of the work for you, but there are some things you need to know about technique too. First off, these hooks NEED a spinner in front of them, for the proper spinning action. Second is baiting, you thread the worm on head first down the shaft of the hook and trail it off from the shaft, BUT you don't leave the whole rest of the worm hanging off, just about a quarter inch hanging off the shaft, this is to make sure the spinning action is perfect. Leave the whole worm on and it screws up the weight and action. This spinning worm is the key to the success of the rig, otherwise it's just a worm on a hook. The spinning worm for some reason, looks distressed enough to fish and they can't help but chase it down and take it. How successful is it? It was patented by Mustad because fisherman from the East Coast of the U.S. were cleaning up at Walleye tournaments all over the country and it turns out their secret were these funky bent hooks! They're ugly, stupid looking, crazy hooks and, yes, they do work!

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